BLOCK PALLET - pallet with blocks between the pallet decks or beneath the top deck rather than stringers
BUTTED DECKBOARD - inner deckboard placed tightly against an adjacent lead deckboard durig pallet assembly
CHAMFERED DECKBOARDS - deckboards with edges of one or 2 faces beveled, either along the full or specified length of board or between the stringers or blocks allowing easier entry of pallet jack wheels
DEFLECTION - the amount of deformation or bending in a pallet or pallet component under load
DRIVE SCREW NAIL - helically (continuous spiral) threaded pallet nail
FLUSH PALLET - deckboards are flush with the stringer boards or blocks along the sides of the pallet
HAND WHEEL JACK OPENING - space provided in bottom deck allowing pallet jack wheels to bear on floor
HARDWOOD - wood from broad-leaved species of trees
LOAD BEARING SURFACE- actual area of material in contact with an supporting a unit load
NOTCH - cutout in lower portion of the stringer to allow entry of fork tine, usually 9" in length, 1-1/2" in depth
SKID - a pallet having no bottom deck
SOFTWOOD - wood from coniferous or needle-bearing species of trees (not necessarily soft or low density
STRAP SLOT - recess or cutout on the upper edge of the stringer or the bottom of the top deckboard to allow tie down of a unit load to the pallet deck with strapping/banding,, also call the banding notch
STRINGER - continuous, longitudinal, solid or notched beam-component of the pallet used to support deckboard components, often identified by location as the outside or center stringer (aka "runner")
WING - overhang of deckboard end from outside edge of stringer or stringerboard